Thursday, September 29, 2011

Celebrity Trivia: What documentary featured actor/Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger competing for the Mr. Olympia competition?

Arnold Schwarzenegger has lived an extremely exciting life - world champion body builder, actor and Governor of the largest state in the U.S.  More recently, however, he's been in the news for his extremely negative actions - like having an affair with his maid and impregnating her.  Of course, that wasn't the first time Arnold was in hot water - his misdeeds and behavior were recorded in a famous documentary that Schwarzenegger competing for the Mr. Olympia competition.  From Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia:  What was the name of that documentary?  Was it:

  • Terminating
  • Pumping Iron
  • Road to California
  • The Governator
The answer to this one is Pumping Iron.  The documentary featured a variety of moments that Schwarzenegger probably deeply regrets, including Schwarzenegger's use of drugs (kinda hard to deny after a picture like that), psychological warfare against his opponents, misogynistic behavior and generally acting like an arrogant ass.  

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