Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Celebrity Trivia: Which of these stars had said she suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder?

Mental illness strikes celebrities at the same rate that it strikes the rest of the population, so it should come as no surprise that many celebrities have suffered (or claimed to have suffered) from some pretty serious illnesses.  Multiple Personalities Disorder is a relatively controversial disorder among the mental health community; there are some that argue that the disease does not exist.  However, to the celebrity that is the answer to today's question, the disease is all too real.  Off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia:  Which of these stars had said she suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder?  Is it Oprah Winfrey, Sally Fields, Joan Rivers or Roseanne Barr?

The correct answer to this is Rosanne Barr.  Barr claims to have suffered from the disease; she has also charged that both of he parents physically and sexually abused her, a charge her parents denied.  Barr was also admitted to a mental institution at the age of 17.

It's no wonder Barr is so widely considered to be a hero of the working-class, long-suffering woman - she has certainly had her share of issues to overcome!

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