Wednesday, May 11, 2011

US History Trivia: What was the name of the Space Shuttle that was destroyed upon reentry to the Earth in 2003?

The Space Program and NASA represent some of America's most significant and important scientific advancements.  Of course, like any new exploration, these gains have not come without a price.  In 2003, seven members of a Space Shuttle crew paid the ultimate price when their ship was destroyed while reentering the Earth's atmosphere.  Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - What was the name of the Space Shuttle that was destroyed upon reentry to the Earth in 2003?  Was it the Mercury, Enterprise, Genesis or Columbia?

The correct answer to this question is the Space Shuttle Columbia.

Debris from the Columbia return to Earth.
The Columbia was concluding its 28th mission, a 16-day scientific mission.  During the shuttle's launch, a piece of insulating foam broke off, striking Columbia's left wing and damaging its thermal protection system.  As a result, during reentry, hot gases penetrated and ultimately destroyed the ship.  All seven crew members were killed.  Debris stretched from Texas to Louisiana.  

The loss of the Columbia marked the first time that a ship had been launched while in space.

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