Friday, May 6, 2011

US History Trivia: Who was the first Vice President appointed by the United States Senate?

We all know that, if the President dies, the Vice President becomes President.  What is less known, and less frequent, is what happens if the Vice President vacates the office for some reason.  This occurrence has happened on eighteen different occasions - yet, only twice in American history has a Vice President been appointed by the U.S. Senate.  So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was the first Vice President appointed by the United States Senate?  Was it Charles Fairbanks, Nelson Rockefeller, Hubert Humphrey or Gerald Ford?

All four of these men were Vice Presidents at one point.  Fairbanks was VP to Theodore Roosevelt from 1904-1908, but he was elected with Roosevelt in 1904.  Hubert Humphrey was Johnson's VP, but he became Vice President was Johnson was elected to a full term in his own right in 1964.  Nelson Rockefeller was appointed as Vice President - but he was the 2nd man to have that honor.

So, the correct result is Gerald Ford.  Ford was the first man appointed Vice President as a result of the 25th amendment to the United States Constitution.  This amendment, among other things, stipulated that a VP can be appointed by the President, subject to the advise and consent of both the House and Senate.  Ford became VP when the previous occupant, Spiro Agnew, had to resign as a result of a kick-back scandal stemming from his days as Governor of Maryland.  Nelson Rockefeller was appointed VP by Ford when Ford vacated the office to become President of the United States.

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