Thursday, March 24, 2011

US History Trivia: Where was Martin Luther King assassinated?

It goes without saying that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, civil rights leader of all time.  He truly spoke for an entire people that had been oppressed for centuries and helped make America a better place through his work.  Like many of the leaders during the turbulent 60s, Dr. King was gunned down by an assassin before his life's work could approach completion.  From Pocket Trivia: US History:  Where was Martin Luther King Assassinated?  Was it Montgomery, Selma, Memphis or Dallas?

Dr. King is associated closely with both Montgomery and Selma, as he led protests in both cities.  He was assassinated in neither, however.  The answer is not Dallas either - to the best of my knowledge, Dr. King led no major efforts in Dallas - although that was the site of President Kennedy's assassination.

The correct answer is Memphis, Tennessee.  In March of 1968, King went to Memphis to support striking African American sanitation workers.  He was staying at the Lorraine motel in Memphis, Room 306.  On April 4, King was standing on the balcony when a sniper hit him with one bullet.  King was pronounced dead an hour later.

King's death led to massive riots in major cities across the United States - a deep and tragic irony for a life of a man who did nothing but advocate peace.

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