Wednesday, June 29, 2011

90s Trivia: What movie features Bill Pullman as a jet fighter pilot?

In the classic movie that is the subject of today's question, Bill Pullman plays a fighter pilot.  There's really no prelude that I can think of for this, except to say that the plot is so stupid it kinda makes me want to punch a wall.  Anyways, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - in which of these movies does Pullman play a jet fighter pilot?  Is it Spaceballs, Mars Attacks!, Starship Troopers or Independence Day?

The obscenely stupid answer to this question is Independence Day.  Yes, you do have to remember the movie to get this one: Pullman is the President of the devastated United States, but before he was President he was a jet fighter pilot and flys in the last battle of the movie.

Cause, you know, that makes sense.  Most of America's government is devestated, virtually every elected official has been wiped out and Pullman is basically the last man standing.  So what does he do?  Gets in a freakin fighter plane to fight the enemies.  It makes about as much sense as a Mac being compatable with alien space-craft and being able to upload a virus that brings it down...


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