Tuesday, June 14, 2011

US Presidents Trivia: What former First Lady attempted suicide?

Mental/emotional problems are nothing new to the First Family - Betty Ford, for example, suffered from alcoholism and helped to establish the Betty Ford Center.  Few first ladies, however, have suffered as much as the answer to this question - going so far as to attempt to kill herself.  From Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - what former First Lady attempted suicide?  Was it Mary Todd Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, Lucretia Garfield or Ida McKinley?

Those of you with a keen eye will note that all four of these women lost their husbands to an assassination - and would understandably have cause for depression.  However, Mary Todd Lincoln is the answer to this one.  In addition to losing Abe in 1865, Lincoln had three sons die.  Her mental state rapidly deteroriated and her son, Robert Lincoln, had her institutionalized in 1875 - she attempted suicide shortly thereafter by trying to buy laudanum to poison herself.  Fortunately, the pharmacist sold her a fake drug.

Lincoln was institutionalized until she was able to convince a Court to release her - she led a life of declining health and died in 1882 at 63 years old, having lived an unquestionably difficult life.

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