- The 7th Amendment
- The 19th Amendment
- The 3rd Amendment
- The 18th Amendment
The official blog of Pocket Protector Games, an iPhone App Development Company dedicated to creating the best iPhone Trivia Games!
Monday, October 10, 2011
US History Trivia: What Constitutional amendment is the least litigated?
The US Constitution is obviously the ultimate legal principle to which laws in this country must be held. As a result of its exalted legal status, the Constitution and its various amendments have been litigated numerous times - but some of its 27 amendments have been litigated more times than others. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these Constitutional amendments is the least litigated? Is it:
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these video games' protagonist is female?
Video games are known for their male protagonists. With few exceptions, this has always been the case, largely since video games appeal so much to the male demographics. However, during the 80s, one game broke the mold. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these video games' protagonist is female? Was it?
- Excitebike
- Bomberman
- Dragon Warrior
- Metroid
Monday, October 3, 2011
80s Trivia: What was the nationality of the man who tried to kill Pope John Paul II?
Like US Presidents, Pope's are not strangers to assassination attempts. The 1980s saw one major assassination attempt on the Pope John Paul II, the only Pope of the decade. John Paul II survived an attempt on his life by two men, despite being shot four times, with two bullets lodging in his lower intestines. From Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the nationality of the men who tried to kill Pope John Paul II? Were they Iraqi, Turkish, Russian or Croatian?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: What documentary featured actor/Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger competing for the Mr. Olympia competition?
Arnold Schwarzenegger has lived an extremely exciting life - world champion body builder, actor and Governor of the largest state in the U.S. More recently, however, he's been in the news for his extremely negative actions - like having an affair with his maid and impregnating her. Of course, that wasn't the first time Arnold was in hot water - his misdeeds and behavior were recorded in a famous documentary that Schwarzenegger competing for the Mr. Olympia competition. From Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia: What was the name of that documentary? Was it:
- Terminating
- Pumping Iron
- Road to California
- The Governator
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
US History Trivia: Which of these ships escaped damage at the Pearl Harbor attack?
The Pearl Harbor attacks remain one of the deadliest days in American history, ultimately killing 2,402 servicemen, wounding several thousands and sinking over a dozen ships. The attack, of course, helped to propel the United States into World War two.
Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these ships escaped damage at the Pearl Harbor attack? Was it:
Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these ships escaped damage at the Pearl Harbor attack? Was it:
- The Saratoga
- The Arizona
- The California
- The West Virginia
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Music Trivia: What member of Motley Crue almost suffered a fatal heroin overdose and was legally dead for two minutes?
Drugs and heavy metal bands are a combination frequently found together, and it goes without saying that many musicians have lost their lives to addictions. Many have also suffered close calls, which is the subject of today's question. From Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What member of Motley Crue almost suffered a fatal heroin overdose and was legally dead for two minutes? Was it:
- Tommy Lee
- Nikki Sixx
- Mick Mars
- Vince Neil
Monday, September 19, 2011
80s Trivia: What was the name of the Nintendo product that allowed you to enter cheat codes for any game?
Video games can be frustrating. Really frustrating. I'll never forget the time that, disputing the call made against my attempt to steal 2nd base in Super Bases Loaded 2, I threw the cartridge clear across the room (in my defense, I think I was nine). Anyway, they sometimes seemed designed to be impossible, thus making you play again and again - this is particularly prevalent in arcade games.
For video games, this could be really problematic - you get three or four levels into a game, no sweat, but then BAM, you get stuck on one section and can never break through. Fortunately for kids like me, Nintendo developed a product that allowed you to enter cheat-codes into a game that came with a specified cheat (infinite weapons, lives, continues, etc). So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the name of the Nintendo product that allowed you to enter cheat codes for any game? Was it:
For video games, this could be really problematic - you get three or four levels into a game, no sweat, but then BAM, you get stuck on one section and can never break through. Fortunately for kids like me, Nintendo developed a product that allowed you to enter cheat-codes into a game that came with a specified cheat (infinite weapons, lives, continues, etc). So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the name of the Nintendo product that allowed you to enter cheat codes for any game? Was it:
- Game Destroyer
- Game Shark
- Game Wizard
- Game Genie
Thursday, September 15, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who is the only President to serve in the army after the conclusion of his Presidency?
Having military experience isn't a prerequisite to becoming President of the United States, but is sure does help win a campaign. 31 of the 43 men to serve as President had some form of military experience, with 12 achieving the rank of general. The President is the Commander and Chief of the United States and is actually a civilian; as a result, military service ends with (or before) ascension to the Presidency. However, once in US History, and only once, has a President rejoined the military after serving as President. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who is
the only President to serve in the army after the conclusion of his
Presidency? Was it:
- George Washington
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Andrew Jackson
- Ulysses Grant
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
US History Trivia: What is the oldest branch of the U.S. Military?
It's a bit strange to think about, but the five American military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) were not all actually formed at the same time (okay, maybe it's not too strange to think about, at least in terms of the Air Force!). All branches have different founding dates, but just like everything, one of them is the oldest. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - What is the oldest branch of the U.S. Military? Is it:
- Navy
- Army
- Coast Guard
- Marines
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Which of these President's only took the oath of office once?
The Presidential Oath of Office is famous and can be recited by millions across the world by heart. It reads: I, NAME, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is read by each Presidential upon their ascension to office, which officially takes place on January 20 following the November election, or upon the death of their predecessor. However, like anything else, mishaps can occur. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Which of these President's only took the oath of office once? Was it:
- George H.W. Bush
- Barack Obama
- Chester Arthur
- Calvin Coolidge
Monday, September 12, 2011
US History Trivia: Which of these were reported on September 11, 2001?
The reporting was particularly interesting, especially with ten years of hindsight - many recollections about the day were dead on (most reporters immediately realized that the nation was under attack, particularly after the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower), but many of the information given that day was false (on CNN, on-air anchors actually did not see the plane hit the South Tower and only saw the explosion - as a result, the initial thought was that the fuselage of the plane lodged in the North Tower had exploded). Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - which of these stories were (wrongly) reported on September 11, 2001: There was a fire on the national mall, the FBI had been bombed, the Sears Tower had been bombed or the Brooklyn Bridge had been bombed?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Movies Trivia: In Star Wars: A New Hope, what species walks single-file, to hide their numbers?
I'll admit it: I'm a Star Wars geek. I grew up watching the movies over and over again, reading the books, the whole nine yards. If you are a Star Wars fan, you will without a doubt appreciate this question: off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - In Star
Wars: A New Hope, what species walks single-file, to hide their numbers? Is the answer Storm Troopers, Ewoks, Sand People or Jawas?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
80s Trivia: What state did 'Saved By the Bell' originally take place in?
Who grew up in the 80s and didn't love Saved by the Bell? It was practically a generational requirement. The show has proven to be so popular that it spawned multiple iterations of the original series, including different classes, college years and a couple of made for TV movies. I mean, Zach Morris was just the definition of cool!
The first class of Saved by the Bell wasn't even called Saved by the Bell - it was called Good Morning, Mrs. Bliss and featured Zach, Screech, Lisa, Mr. Belding and other characters who didn't make it to the main show: Mikey, Nikki and Mylo. So, today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What state did this iteration 'Saved By the Bell' take place in? Minnesota, California, Indiana or Florida?
The first class of Saved by the Bell wasn't even called Saved by the Bell - it was called Good Morning, Mrs. Bliss and featured Zach, Screech, Lisa, Mr. Belding and other characters who didn't make it to the main show: Mikey, Nikki and Mylo. So, today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What state did this iteration 'Saved By the Bell' take place in? Minnesota, California, Indiana or Florida?
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
90s Trivia: How many Americans suffered battle-related deaths during the first Gulf War?
The 90s, unlike the 00s, were punctuated with numerous successful American military conflicts. Most remembered of those was the closest thing we had to a full-scale war during the 90s: the First Gulf War, otherwise known as Operation Desert Storm. During the conflict, the United States and other allies invaded Iraq to beat back an Iraqi invasion of neighboring Kuwait. The conflict was an unprecedented military success for the United States, with an extremely low number of American battle-related military deaths. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - How many Americans suffered battle-related deaths during the first Gulf War? Was it 148, 390, 1212 or 4,539?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these singers appeared on 'Miami Vice'?
You really don't get much more 80s than Miami Vice. The neon, the music, the cars, the fashion (sports jackets + T-shirts = AWESOME), the show screams 80s for about 100 different reasons. One singer in particular is known for his guest appearance on the show - and, believe it or not, he's actually a pretty good actor. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these singers appeared on Miami Vice? Is it B.B. King, Issac Hayes, Phil Collins or Ray Charles?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
US History Trivia: What US President had the Secret Service codename of Lancer?
The U.S. Secret Service has been protecting Presidents since 1902, first protecting Theodore Roosevelt in the aftermath of three Presidential assassinations in a forty year span. The service has given President's code names by which they are referred to, and these names can be subject to much interest from the general public. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - What US President had the Secret Service codename of Lancer? Was it Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy or Franklin Roosevelt?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Music Trivia: Which of these bands has had the same lineup of musicians for over forty years?
Bands break-up and change lineups with the same speed that most of us change underwear - its such a common thing that its almost impossible to keep track of. However, that being said, the rare band has been able to stay together without any changes - in some cases, for decades. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - Which of these bands has had the same lineup of musicians for over forty years? Was it Dire Straits, ZZ Top, The Rolling Stones or Aerosmith?
Monday, August 22, 2011
US History Trivia: Which of these President's was rumored to have had a homosexual relationship with another man?
Our US History games have been flying like hot-cakes lately...so let's keep going with that, shall we?
Sex scandals and President's seem to go hand-in-hand (though our last two Presidents, W and Obama, haven't even had a hint of a sex scandal). If power is truly an aphrodisiac, then that makes sense; power can make the President the most attractive man on the planet!
However, only once in history have substantial rumors circulated that a particular President was, in fact, having a sexual relationship with another man. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these President's was rumored to have had a homosexual relationship with another man? Was it Millard Fillmore, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson or James Buchanan?
Sex scandals and President's seem to go hand-in-hand (though our last two Presidents, W and Obama, haven't even had a hint of a sex scandal). If power is truly an aphrodisiac, then that makes sense; power can make the President the most attractive man on the planet!
However, only once in history have substantial rumors circulated that a particular President was, in fact, having a sexual relationship with another man. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these President's was rumored to have had a homosexual relationship with another man? Was it Millard Fillmore, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson or James Buchanan?
Friday, August 19, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was the first President to be known as "His Accidency"?
43 men have been President of the United States. Depressingly, eight of those men have died in office, meaning that 18.6% of all men to serve as President have died while doing so. Of course, when the President dies, the Vice President assumes the office. While this is something that most of us consider to be relatively standard now, it was not always the case. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was the first President to be known as "His Accidency"? Was it Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, Chester Arthur or John Tyler?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: What celebrity's real name is Gordon Sumner?
Doesn't it seem like barely any celebrities actually use their given name? Most go by nicknames or change their name to sound more acceptable to the American people. It's actually pretty depressing when you think about it.
Anyway, it is these name changes that are the subject of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia - What celebrity's real name is Gordon Sumner? Is it John Lennon, Sting, Gene Simmons or Charlie Sheen?
Anyway, it is these name changes that are the subject of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia - What celebrity's real name is Gordon Sumner? Is it John Lennon, Sting, Gene Simmons or Charlie Sheen?
Monday, August 15, 2011
90s Trivia: What are the name of the robbers in Home Alone?
If you grew up in the 90s, you probably saw Home Alone. Starring Macaulay Culkin as the clever kid who gets left home alone when his parents go on a Christmas vacation, the movie was a smash success and to this day is the highest grossing live-action comedy of all time. If you say you don't remember the scene where the criminals break-in, I'll call you a liar (as a seven year old, this movie exposed me to the hysterical phenomenon of grown men getting hit in the crotch).
It is the criminals that are the subject of today's question. Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern starred as the bumbling thieves who broke into homes while their unsuspecting owners were on vacation. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - What is the name of these robbers? Is it The Weak Sweeps, the Road Runners, the Bugaloos or The Wet Bandits?
It is the criminals that are the subject of today's question. Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern starred as the bumbling thieves who broke into homes while their unsuspecting owners were on vacation. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - What is the name of these robbers? Is it The Weak Sweeps, the Road Runners, the Bugaloos or The Wet Bandits?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was with Franklin Roosevelt when he died?
Eight President's have died in office; arguably the most traumatic of those death's (at least the non-assassination related ones) was the death of Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt died on April 12 after suffering a massive cerebral hemorrhage - his final words were, "I have a terrific pain in the back of my head." At the time, Roosevelt was at his vacation home in Warm Springs, Georgia, and his death is the subject of this morning's question. From Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was with Franklin Roosevelt when he died? Is the answer Lucy Mercer Rutherford, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Roosevelt Boettiger or Michael Schlossberg?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
80s Trivia: What was the nickname of the character who died on Cheers?
Real life sometimes gets in the way of television production - as if any proof was needed, just look at Ashton's Kutcher's new new gig as the star of Two and a Half Men after Charlie Sheen's...whatever.
Sometimes, this happens in an even more sad manner. The 80s mainstay Cheers is a great example of this, when one character died after the actor that portrayed him past away. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the nickname of the character who died on Cheers? Was it Norm, Geronimo, Huff or Coach?
Sometimes, this happens in an even more sad manner. The 80s mainstay Cheers is a great example of this, when one character died after the actor that portrayed him past away. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the nickname of the character who died on Cheers? Was it Norm, Geronimo, Huff or Coach?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was the last President to own slaves?
Before their emancipation, 12 US Presidents owned slaves - obviously, this practice stopped before the civil war. Some of those slaves and their "masters" are famous - everyone now knows, for example, that Thomas Jefferson had children with Sally Hemings, his slave; from accounts, they appeared to have had a relationship that was more than just sexual.
Today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was the last President to own slaves? Was it Ulyssess S. Grant, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson or Abraham Lincoln?
Today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was the last President to own slaves? Was it Ulyssess S. Grant, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson or Abraham Lincoln?
Monday, July 25, 2011
80s Trivia: What made-for-TV movie depicted the aftermath of a nuclear war between the US and Russia?
The 1980s were a decade of dangerous possibilities; namely that the Cold War could end the world as we know it. Potential Armageddon never seemed too far away, and this was captured by much of the media. One made-for-TV movie became known for its doomsday-scenarios, heart-wrenching characterizations and graphic depictions of a post-nuclear America. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What made-for-TV movie depicted the aftermath of a nuclear war between the US and Russia? Was it Rise of the Resistance, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Red Dawn or The Day After?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Movies Trivia: How many African American women have ever won the Academy Award for Best Actress?
African Americans have, unfortunately, reaped the rewards of American society later than their white counterparts; the Academy Awards are no exception. The first African-American didn't win an Oscar until 1939 (Hattie McDowell for Best Supporting Actress in Gone With the Wind) and a limited amount of woman have ever won the Best Actress award - the subject of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - How many African American women have ever won the Academy Award for Best Actress? 1, 4, 7 or 10?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was President when the last state was admitted to the Union?
Since the original founding of the United States, 37 states have been admitted to the Union (after the original 13 colonies). It goes without saying that many Presidents have presided over the entrance of different states into the Union; so, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was President when the last state was admitted to the Union? Was it Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman or Dwight Eisenhower?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Music Trivia: What song spent the most time as #1 on the Billboard Hot 100?
Only one song has the honor of having been #1 for the longest amount of consecutive weeks on the Billboard Hot 100? This list, considered by the music industry to be one of the most important to any group's career, is constantly reviewed by experts, ratio & TV stations to determine air play - its importance cannot be understated. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What song spent the most time as #1 on the Billboard Hot 100? Was it:
- One Sweet Day (Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men)
- Thriller (Michael Jackson)
- Poker Face (Lady GaGa)
- We Belong Together (Mariah Carey)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Movies Trivia: In what film does Laurence Fishburne star as a spaceship captain?
Laurence Fishburne is an exceptionally well-versed actor who has appeared on stage, television and film. His acting credits are extremely varied; everything from Shakespeare (he was the first African-American to play Othello in a major motion picture) to cop (CSI) to Broadway (where he won a Tony for his performance in Two Trains Running). It is a film of Fishburne's that is the subject of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - In what film does Laurence Fishburne star as a spaceship captain? Is it Aliens 4, Event Horizon, Battlespace or Flight to mars?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who was the first President to leave American soil while President?
It is now taken as a matter of course that US Presidents leave the country to conduct matters of foreign affairs. However, this was once not the case - in fact, in a different era, President's literally never left the country. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who was the first President to leave American soil while President? Was it Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson or Woodrow Wilson?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
US History Trivia: Which of these men never served as Vice President?
Aside from when an accident of history occurs, the average American does not know who has served as Vice President past twenty or so years. Indeed, to a large extent, their biggest responsibility is to be ready to serve at a moments notice. If you need any proof of this, consider this: Truman was Roosevelt's third Vice President. Do you know his first two?
So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History -Which of these men never served as Vice President? Eldridge Gerry, George Clinton, Bob Dole or Walter Mondale?
So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History -Which of these men never served as Vice President? Eldridge Gerry, George Clinton, Bob Dole or Walter Mondale?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: Which of these stars had said she suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder?
Mental illness strikes celebrities at the same rate that it strikes the rest of the population, so it should come as no surprise that many celebrities have suffered (or claimed to have suffered) from some pretty serious illnesses. Multiple Personalities Disorder is a relatively controversial disorder among the mental health community; there are some that argue that the disease does not exist. However, to the celebrity that is the answer to today's question, the disease is all too real. Off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia: Which of these stars had said she suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder? Is it Oprah Winfrey, Sally Fields, Joan Rivers or Roseanne Barr?
Monday, July 11, 2011
80s Trivia: What happened to Danny Tanner's wife in Full House?
Who didn't love Full House? If you didn't, you're probably evil, or something. Seriously, the show was a staple of the late 80s/early 90s and a fixture on ABC's famed TGIF line-up. The show featured the three Tanner daughters and Dad and two Uncles, as well as the related family, all living under one roof. There was, however, no Mom - and where the Mom went is the source of today's trivia. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What happened to Danny Tanner's wife in Full House? Did she leave the family after Michelle's birth, die of cancer, killed by a drunk driver or killed in a house fire?
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
80s Trivia: What character famously died on Sesame Street?
If you grew up in the 80s (or 70s, 90s, 00s or today, for that matter), you watched Sesame Street. The program has set the bar for everything that kids television should be. It is fun, educational and humorous - for both the kid and the parent.
That being said, the show is also known to tackle some pretty heavy issues, including racism, AIDS (the South African version of the show features a character with HIV) and death.
Reflecting the death of this characters real-life actor, Sesame Street was forced to explain to Big Bird, and indeed, its entire children's audience, what death was and what happened to this character. The resulting scene led to one of the most touching TV scenes in the past thirty years. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What character famously died on Sesame Street? Was it Maria, Gordon, Mr. Hooper or Dan?
That being said, the show is also known to tackle some pretty heavy issues, including racism, AIDS (the South African version of the show features a character with HIV) and death.
Reflecting the death of this characters real-life actor, Sesame Street was forced to explain to Big Bird, and indeed, its entire children's audience, what death was and what happened to this character. The resulting scene led to one of the most touching TV scenes in the past thirty years. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What character famously died on Sesame Street? Was it Maria, Gordon, Mr. Hooper or Dan?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
US History Trivia: Who is the only President to never marry?
With the 4th of July yesterday, we have to do a question on US History. Presidential wives have become a fixture in Presidential politics - in many respects, the First Lady is almost as well known as the President himself, with the First Lady's popularity frequently eclipsing the President's. However, one President, and one President only, never married. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who is the only President to never marry? Was it James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson, Grover Cleveland on John Tyler?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who was the only President to "affirm," not "swear" at his inaugural?
The Presidential oath is prescribed in the U.S. Constitution and reads as follows: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The words are relatively ingrained on the consciousness of the American public and images of President's taking the oath are broadcast across the world. Only one President in American history "affirmed," rather than swore, the oath. Off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - US Presidents Trivia: Who was the only President to "affirm," not "swear" at his inaugural? Was it Thomas Jefferson, Bill Clinton, Franklin Pierce or William Taft?
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
90s Trivia: What movie features Bill Pullman as a jet fighter pilot?
In the classic movie that is the subject of today's question, Bill Pullman plays a fighter pilot. There's really no prelude that I can think of for this, except to say that the plot is so stupid it kinda makes me want to punch a wall. Anyways, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - in which of these movies does Pullman play a jet fighter pilot? Is it Spaceballs, Mars Attacks!, Starship Troopers or Independence Day?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: Which of these former Presidential candidates had a sex tape surface in 2010?
Let's be clear about this: making a sex tape, particularly if you are a celebrity, is stupid. It will probably get out, and you will be embarrassed. Another shot of wisdom: politicians are not immune from being stupid. Particularly Presidential candidates. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia - which of these former Presidential candidates had revelations of a sex tape surface in 2010? Was it Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry, Gary Hart or John Edwards?
Monday, June 27, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: The Mayor of Chicago was killed during an assassination attempt against what President?
Presidential assassination attempts often have collateral damage - James Brady, Reagan's Press Secretary, was left brain damaged and paralyzed in Reagan's 1981 assassination attempt, and Governor John Connally of Texas was seriously wounded in Kennedy's 1963 assassination. In other instances, however, individuals that weren't the target of the assassination attempt are killed. Such was the case for Anton Cermak, the former Mayor of Chicago, who was killed in a failed assassination attempt. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - what President was the target of that assassination attempt? Was it Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Ulysses S. Grant or James Garfield?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
80s Trivia: Who was Reagan referring to when he said, 'slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God'?
Ronald Reagan was called the Great Communicator for a reason: simply put, he gave some of the greatest speeches in US History and inspired a nation that had endured a rough decade in terms of political leadership. In one of his greatest speeches to the nation, Reagan paraphrased the poem "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee when he said: "slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God." Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia: Who was President Reagan referring to? The 1986 Mets, the Challenger Astronauts, Pan Am Flight 103 victims or 1983 Beruit Bombing victims?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
US History Trivia: What is the name of the first spacecraft that reached the moon?
The Space Race galvanized America and gave this entire country something to be proud about in the 60s and early 70s. It signified America's scientific spirit and can-do attitude and made Americans truly feel like we could accomplish anything that we set our minds to.
Of course, American men walking on the moon was the true "victory" of the Space Race. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's first steps were historic for all of human kind, but they obviously had a special meaning for Americans. So, from Pocket Trivia: US History - What is the name of the first spacecraft that reached the moon? Was it Apollo 13, Apollo 8, Apollo 10 or Apollo 11?
Of course, American men walking on the moon was the true "victory" of the Space Race. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's first steps were historic for all of human kind, but they obviously had a special meaning for Americans. So, from Pocket Trivia: US History - What is the name of the first spacecraft that reached the moon? Was it Apollo 13, Apollo 8, Apollo 10 or Apollo 11?
Monday, June 20, 2011
90s Trivia: What product was known for the slogan 'I've fallen and I can't get up?'
This commercial is a classic. Old woman, on the ground, writhing in pain, manages to contact emergency services (via the product in question) and says "I've fallen and I can't get up!" I was a kid when this thing came out, and I remember running around screaming it. Of course, it was probably pretty useful for the elderly, but that's a different issue entirely. Anyway, from Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - What product was known for the slogan 'I've fallen and I can't get up?' Is it LifeCall, Saver, NightLife or AutoER?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
80s Trivia: Bruce Willis once had a Top 10 hit with a cover of what song?
When actors sing, the results are usually downright hysterical:
However, every now and then, an actor will surprise you by showing real vocal talent and score a commercial and critical hit. One of those actors is Bruce Willis. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Bruce Willis once had a Top 10 hit with a cover of what song? Respect Yourself, Party All The Time, Macarthur Park or All The Things She Said?
However, every now and then, an actor will surprise you by showing real vocal talent and score a commercial and critical hit. One of those actors is Bruce Willis. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Bruce Willis once had a Top 10 hit with a cover of what song? Respect Yourself, Party All The Time, Macarthur Park or All The Things She Said?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: What former First Lady attempted suicide?
Mental/emotional problems are nothing new to the First Family - Betty Ford, for example, suffered from alcoholism and helped to establish the Betty Ford Center. Few first ladies, however, have suffered as much as the answer to this question - going so far as to attempt to kill herself. From Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - what former First Lady attempted suicide? Was it Mary Todd Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, Lucretia Garfield or Ida McKinley?
Monday, June 13, 2011
US History Trivia: Who were the victims during the "Trail of Tears"?
As much as we like to pretend otherwise, American history is replete with instances of this country engaging in the worst of human nature. Though we never stooped quite as low as others, America still has many blemishes on its past. One of those blemishes affected the victims of the Trial of Tears, which is the feature of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who were the victims during the "Trail of Tears"? Is it Native Americans, British Loyalists, American Revolutionaries or Japanese Americans?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: Which of these actresses died as a result of pneumonia in 2009?
Whenever a celebrity dies, it makes the news. When a celebrity dies before their time, it becomes an even bigger and more tragic story. Celebrity deaths are sadly an all too common phenomenon, but when its a young death, the premature loss of potential and talent really seems to hit home. In 2009, we lost this actress to pneumonia - so, off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia - which actress was it? Lynn Redgrave, Alicia Silverstone, Britney Murphy or Jean Simmons?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: What celebrity has children named Apple and Moses?
Celebrities are known for naming their children with...well, strange names. Some, however are stranger than others - indeed, one of these celebs named their kids Apple & Moses. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia - What celebrity has children named Apple and Moses? Is the answer Sarah Palin, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicholas Cage or Jason Lee?
Monday, June 6, 2011
Celebrity Trivia: What actor was filmed by his daughter, drunk and barely able to eat a cheeseburger?
So, we spent last week reviewing 90s Trivia - now, for this week, we'll go over the latest game, Celebrity Trivia! YouTube has been a blessing for thousands of different reasons, and with the site recently celebrating a new milestone (three billion videos are viewed on the site every day), its popularity continues to skyrocket. Of course, one of the most popular types of videos on the site: those that prominently feature personal humiliation, and if its of someone famous, even better!
This particular video caused quite a stir a few years ago. It features an actor/actress, drunk off of their ass, eating a cheeseburger and being filmed by their daughter. What actor/actress was filmed in such an embarrassing position? Was it Kiefer Sutherland, David Hasslehoff, Michele Rodriguez or Kelsey Grammer?
This particular video caused quite a stir a few years ago. It features an actor/actress, drunk off of their ass, eating a cheeseburger and being filmed by their daughter. What actor/actress was filmed in such an embarrassing position? Was it Kiefer Sutherland, David Hasslehoff, Michele Rodriguez or Kelsey Grammer?
Friday, June 3, 2011
90s Trivia: Who sang the Macarena?
Is there anything more 90s than the Macarena? I did that dance at so many Bar Mitzvah's and awkward Middle School dance's that I can still do it - in my sleep. The classic hit is one of the most memorable hits on the 90s - even if it did start to drive you a little nuts. But, what is largely unknown, at least by many Americans, is this: who the heck sung that song?
So, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - Who sang the Macarena? Was it Menudo, Bayside Boys, Monge or Los Del Rio?
So, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - Who sang the Macarena? Was it Menudo, Bayside Boys, Monge or Los Del Rio?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
90s Trivia: What movie features Heather Graham as Rollergirl?
Heather Graham was one of the hottest actresses of the 90s. As a teenager, I still remember her appearing in Lenny Kravitz's video for American Woman and looking drop-dead gorgeous. She was in quite a few movies and played some memorable characters. One of them was named Rollergirl - so, off of Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia - What movie features Heather Graham as Rollergirl? Was it A Long Days Night, The People vs. Larry Flint, Boogie Nights or Six Degrees of Separation?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Pocket Protector Games Presents: Celebrity Trivia!
We've had a busy week at Pocket Protector Games! Such a busy week that we now released yet another game!
We are proud to unveil Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia. This marks our 7th game - keep an eye on us for even more games in the very near future!
Do you think you are a Hollywood star? This trivia game tests your knowledge of celebrities, including Hollywood stars & starlets, music icons and television sensations. Featuring 250 questions on all aspects of stardom, this game is sure to keep you occupied for hours.
- HOURS OF FUN AND CHALLENGE with 250 questions.
- SHARE YOUR SCORE AND CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS on Facebook, Twitter or our global leaderboard!
- ATTENTION-GRABBING graphics and sound effects.
- MORE GAMES at the touch of a button, allowing you to challenge yourself with even more trivia games!
- RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE for questions or concerns.
We are proud to unveil Pocket Trivia: Celebrity Trivia. This marks our 7th game - keep an eye on us for even more games in the very near future!
Do you think you are a Hollywood star? This trivia game tests your knowledge of celebrities, including Hollywood stars & starlets, music icons and television sensations. Featuring 250 questions on all aspects of stardom, this game is sure to keep you occupied for hours.
- HOURS OF FUN AND CHALLENGE with 250 questions.
- SHARE YOUR SCORE AND CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS on Facebook, Twitter or our global leaderboard!
- ATTENTION-GRABBING graphics and sound effects.
- MORE GAMES at the touch of a button, allowing you to challenge yourself with even more trivia games!
- RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE for questions or concerns.
90s Trivia: What was the name of the teacher in The Magic School Bus series?
As we said last week, Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia is now available for downloading (yay!). As such, we're going to spend this week giving you questions straight out of the 90s.
Do you remember the Magic School Bus series? This was the one about the kids that, with their teacher, boarded a Magic School Bus that took them on a variety of wacky adventures, including inside of a human body, the solar system and a hurricane, among other locales. They were lead by their teacher, who is the subject of today's question. What was the name of the teacher? Was it Mrs. Casano, Mrs. Schlossberg, Mrs. Frizzle or Mrs. Lichtenstein?
Do you remember the Magic School Bus series? This was the one about the kids that, with their teacher, boarded a Magic School Bus that took them on a variety of wacky adventures, including inside of a human body, the solar system and a hurricane, among other locales. They were lead by their teacher, who is the subject of today's question. What was the name of the teacher? Was it Mrs. Casano, Mrs. Schlossberg, Mrs. Frizzle or Mrs. Lichtenstein?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I love the 90s!!
Pocket Protector Games is pleased to be unveiling new games at a fast and furious pace, and here is our latest - Pocket Trivia: 90s Trivia!
Did you grow up in the 90s or are you just a huge fan? Well, put on your flannel shirt, break –out your Zach Morris cell phone and download this game today! This game features 250 questions on the 90s, everything from music, movies, television, video games, toys, news and more! See if you can get a perfect score and try to beat your friends!
- HOURS OF FUN AND CHALLENGE with 250 questions.
- SHARE YOUR SCORE AND CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS on Facebook, Twitter or our global leaderboard!
- ATTENTION-GRABBING graphics and sound effects.
- MORE GAMES at the touch of a button, allowing you to challenge yourself with even more trivia games!
- RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE for questions or concerns.
- HOURS OF FUN AND CHALLENGE with 250 questions.
- SHARE YOUR SCORE AND CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS on Facebook, Twitter or our global leaderboard!
- ATTENTION-GRABBING graphics and sound effects.
- MORE GAMES at the touch of a button, allowing you to challenge yourself with even more trivia games!
- RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE for questions or concerns.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
US History Trivia: What is the largest official bill ever printed of US currency?
Most of us get excited when we see big amounts of currency - $100 bills are awesome, and at least for me, they are the largest bill that I have ever seen. However, bigger bills exist out there - ones that most of us can only dream about. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - what is the largest official bill ever printed of US currency? Is it $100,000, $10,000, $25,000 or $5,000?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these was one of Nintendo's slogans in the 80s?
Nintendo and 80s commercials are two mainstays of this great decade. Corny scripts, bad acting and "cutting edge" graphics are in particular for what Nintendo commercials became known. And, like any awesome product of the 80s (or more recently), Nintendo had an awesomely bad slogan. So, from Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these was one of Nintendo's slogans in the 80s: "Enter Mario's World" "Join the Nintendo Fan Club" "Nintendo do, Sega don't" or "Now you're playing with power!"
Monday, May 23, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who is the oldest living former President?
As of this moment, only four former Presidents are still living: George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. It's a pretty small number, but that isn't too surprising: Presidents are usually relatively old when they retire. The most recent former President to die was Gerald Ford, who died in 2006 at the age of 93 (incentially, this made Ford the longest living President). So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - which of the above Presidents is the oldest still living?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Movies Trivia: What team is the rival of the Ducks in The Mighty Ducks?
Quack. Quack. QUACK! The Might Ducks was a classic of my childhood, and there is a good chance they were a stabple of yours as well. I mean, come on, who doesn't like a story featuring an underdog - and then an underdog within a team of underdogs? This movies is a 90s classic, featuring the Ducks, who come from behind to win a state championship, beating their rival and their coaches old team. Off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - What team is the rival of the Ducks in The Mighty Ducks? Is it The Jets, The Devils, The Sharks or the Hawks?
Monday, May 16, 2011
Music Trivia: What Cher music video was performed on a U.S. Navy ship, with Cher dressed only in a revealing one-piece bathing suit?
Ahh, Cher. The woman might just be more plastic than human at this point. But, regardless of any plastic surgery that she has had, you have to admit, her singing career is incredibly impressive. Spanning more than four decades, Cher actually holds the record for the longest time span between number one hits (33 years and 7 months was the time between I Got You Babe and Believe). A career like that deserves nothing short of admiration.
Cher is best known by many, however, for a music video and outfit that nearly blinded many...okay, not literally, but it was pretty bad. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What Cher music video was performed on a U.S. Navy ship, with Cher dressed only in a revealing one-piece bathing suit? Was it Song for the Lonely, Believe, Gypsies, Trams & Thieves or If I Could Turn Back Time?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
US History Trivia: What was the name of the Space Shuttle that was destroyed upon reentry to the Earth in 2003?
The Space Program and NASA represent some of America's most significant and important scientific advancements. Of course, like any new exploration, these gains have not come without a price. In 2003, seven members of a Space Shuttle crew paid the ultimate price when their ship was destroyed while reentering the Earth's atmosphere. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - What was the name of the Space Shuttle that was destroyed upon reentry to the Earth in 2003? Was it the Mercury, Enterprise, Genesis or Columbia?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Music Trivia: What Robbie Williams video featured Williams tearing off his skin to reveal his flesh underneath - all while dancing?
Music videos are known for showing gratuitous amounts of skin. In some videos, they show more...much more. One such music video was filmed by Robbie Williams. It begins harmless enough - in an attempt to get the girl's attention, Robbie strips. Okay, fine, whatever. Then...he starts taking off his skin. And muscles. And all that's left is a dancing skeleton (which does, thankfully, get the attention of the girl). So, off of Pocket Trivia - Music Trivia: What Robbie Williams video featured Williams tearing off his skin to reveal his flesh underneath - all while dancing? Is it Feel, Millenium, Rock DJ or Supreme?
Monday, May 9, 2011
80s Trivia: Who sang the theme song for 'Miami Vice'?
You don't get much more 80s than Miami Vice. The music, the cars, the culture and the terrible, terrible clothing just screamed about the decade that so many of us would love to forget. And let me emphasize one item again: the music. Miami Vice was renowned for its use of music in its episodes, often spending serious cash to acquire the rights to use certain songs in episodes. Many musicians also served as guest stars during the show. So much original music was created for the series that it actually had three soundtracks released.
Its theme song, replete with synthesizers (many, many synthesizers) and no lyrics, was classic Vice. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Who composed the theme song for 'Miami Vice'? Was it Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Jan Hammer or Elton John?
Its theme song, replete with synthesizers (many, many synthesizers) and no lyrics, was classic Vice. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Who composed the theme song for 'Miami Vice'? Was it Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Jan Hammer or Elton John?
Friday, May 6, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was the first Vice President appointed by the United States Senate?
We all know that, if the President dies, the Vice President becomes President. What is less known, and less frequent, is what happens if the Vice President vacates the office for some reason. This occurrence has happened on eighteen different occasions - yet, only twice in American history has a Vice President been appointed by the U.S. Senate. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Who was the first Vice President appointed by the United States Senate? Was it Charles Fairbanks, Nelson Rockefeller, Hubert Humphrey or Gerald Ford?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: What President was not allowed to attend his party's national convention by the Secret Service?
One of the highlights of virtually every Presidential nominating convention is speeches by the incumbent President or former President's. With relatively few exceptions (2008 being one of them), former/current President's are welcomed with open arms and seen as rallying points for their party. However, this isn't always the case - in some cases, President's are unpopular and seen as relics of the past. And in at least one case, the Secret Service refused to allow a President to attend his party's nominating convention due to fears on his life. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What President was not allowed to attend his party's national convention by the Secret Service? Was it Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson or Woodrow Wilson?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Movies Trivia: In Dogma, what does God like to do?
Dogma is a classic parody of religion and religious extremists that brought us such gems as "the Buddy Christ" and Alanis Morissette as God. The movie is filled with hysterical moments that can piss off just about everyone. At its core, however, is a search for God...both literal and metaphorical. God, as portrayed by Alanis Morissette, has a hobby (that ultimately gets her into trouble). So, off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia: In Dogma, what does God like to do? Is it Watch Soap Operas, go clubbing, magic tricks or play Skiball?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Music Trivia: What 1988 song refers to Stalin, Mussolini, Kennedy and Ghandi?
Songs make political statements all the time - that's pretty much par for the course at this point. Most political songs are protest songs in some way. Some, however, deal with broader political issues - like the nature of politics itself. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What 1988 song refers to Stalin, Mussolini, Kennedy and Ghandi? Is it Ohio, Freedom, Cult of Personality or This War?
Friday, April 29, 2011
US History Trivia: When the AIDS epidemic first hit the United States, what was its original acronym?
AIDS is one of the most frightening diseases in the world. With no cure and the virtual guarantee of an early death, being told that one has HIV or AIDS is one of the most frightening things that a person can hear. The disease was first recognized by the Center for Disease Control in 1981 - however, at first, it was not called AIDS. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - When the AIDS epidemic first hit the United States, what was its original acronym? Was it GIVE, GIDP, GRID or HIPA?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
80s Trivia: What movie is this quote from: 'Screws fall out all the time, sir. The world's an imperfect place.'
This question is dedicated to Mrs. Pocket, who loves this quote and this movie. It's one of only two quotes in her Facebook profile. Yup, it's that important.
Anyways, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What movie is this quote from: "Screws fall out all the time, sir. The world's an imperfect place"? Is it Less Than Zero, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles or Pretty in Pink?
Anyways, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What movie is this quote from: "Screws fall out all the time, sir. The world's an imperfect place"? Is it Less Than Zero, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles or Pretty in Pink?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
US History Trivia: What California Governor called for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II?
One of the darkest chapters in the history of the United States is the internment of Japanese citizens along the West Coast during World War II. During this time, fearing sabotage from Japanese Americans, the United States forcibly interned over 110,000 Japanese Americans, many of whom were already American citizens. Ronald Reagan apologized on behalf of the United States for the actions in 1988, and the U.S. would eventually pay out more than $1.6 billion to those interned and to their families.
The move was, of course, supported by many state and local officials at the time. The Governor of California, for example, was a strong supporter of such internment camps. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - who was that Governor? Was it Culbert Olson, Ronald Reagan, Goodwin Jess Knight or Earl Warren?
The move was, of course, supported by many state and local officials at the time. The Governor of California, for example, was a strong supporter of such internment camps. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History - who was that Governor? Was it Culbert Olson, Ronald Reagan, Goodwin Jess Knight or Earl Warren?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Music Trivia: Which of these artists once released an album title that was over 400 characters long?
Musicians are known for their eccentricity, and very often, that eccentricity seeps into their music. On less frequent occasions, the eccentricity manages to make it into other areas, such as album titles. On one particularly wacky occasion, one particular artists decided to have their CD name be over 400 characters long. This album was generally referred to as "When the pawn..." since the full title would have taken about ten minutes to recite!
Anyway, off of Pocket Trivia - Music Trivia: Which of these artists once released an album title that was over 400 characters long and commercially abbreviated as 'When The Pawn…'? Was it Prince, Fiona Apple, Neil Young or Mariah Carey?
Anyway, off of Pocket Trivia - Music Trivia: Which of these artists once released an album title that was over 400 characters long and commercially abbreviated as 'When The Pawn…'? Was it Prince, Fiona Apple, Neil Young or Mariah Carey?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Music Trivia: What disease did Michael Jackson say caused him to turn black to white?
Michael Jackson was famous for his changing physical appearance:
The only thing that didn't change on Jackson's body during his life was his...umm...okay, I got nothing. Nonetheless, Jackson's most famous physical transformation was likely his skin color. Starting in the mid 1980s, Jackson's skin started becoming more noticeably pale - by the 90s, he was completely white. Jackson adamantly denied allegations of skin bleaching; instead, he blamed his transformation on a particular disease. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What disease did Michael Jackson say caused him to turn from black to white? Was it Vitiligo, Skin Cancer, Lupus or COPD?
The only thing that didn't change on Jackson's body during his life was his...umm...okay, I got nothing. Nonetheless, Jackson's most famous physical transformation was likely his skin color. Starting in the mid 1980s, Jackson's skin started becoming more noticeably pale - by the 90s, he was completely white. Jackson adamantly denied allegations of skin bleaching; instead, he blamed his transformation on a particular disease. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What disease did Michael Jackson say caused him to turn from black to white? Was it Vitiligo, Skin Cancer, Lupus or COPD?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Movie Trivia: As of January 2011, which of these TV shows has not yet been made into a movie?
Doesn't it seem like movie makers don't have any original ideas anymore - that they are all sequels and remakes? Of the Top 10 selling movies of 2010, just four were not sequels or remakes. As a child of the 80s, I swear, it seems like Hollywood is slowly strip-mining my childhood to turn it into a film.
Still, not EVER TV show has been redone. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - As of January 2011, which of these TV shows has not yet been made into a movie? Dragnet, the A-Team, Fraggle Rock or Lost in Space?
Still, not EVER TV show has been redone. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - As of January 2011, which of these TV shows has not yet been made into a movie? Dragnet, the A-Team, Fraggle Rock or Lost in Space?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Music Trivia: What Pennsylvania city is the subject of a Billy Joel song?
One of the great classic rock artists is Billy Joel. The man is a classic rock legend who has sung many a song about the American heartland. One song in particular, however, stands out. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Music Trivia - What Pennsylvania city is the subject of a Billy Joel song? Is it Allentown, Levittown, Bethlehem or Pittsburgh.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Music Trivia: What actor released a cover of Respect Yourself in 1987?
Actors frequently make cross-overs into music, often with disastrous or hilarious results (ever heard Party All The Time by Eddie Murphy? Ouch). Sometimes commercial successes, other times failures, these songs frequently prove why a legitimate double-threat (acting & singing combo) is so rare.
However, they aren't all bad. In fact, sometimes they can sound halfway decent and be commercial successes. So, off of our newest game, Pocket Trivia - Music Trivia: What actor released a cover of Respect Yourself in 1987? Was it Bruce Willis, Eddie Murphy, Molly Ringwald or Tracey Ullman?
However, they aren't all bad. In fact, sometimes they can sound halfway decent and be commercial successes. So, off of our newest game, Pocket Trivia - Music Trivia: What actor released a cover of Respect Yourself in 1987? Was it Bruce Willis, Eddie Murphy, Molly Ringwald or Tracey Ullman?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Two new additions: A game, and a baby
As you may have noticed, Mr. Pocket has been pretty quiet lately. There is a good reason for that, however!
On Sunday, April 10, Mr. & Mrs. Pocket celebrated the birth of their Little Pocket, Auron Connor.
Now it's time to go play with the Little Pocket. See you folks in a bit.
On Sunday, April 10, Mr. & Mrs. Pocket celebrated the birth of their Little Pocket, Auron Connor.
Both Auron Connor and and Mrs. Pocket are doing great, and Mr. Pocket is absolutely, positively over the moon, and I am sure you can understand why we'll be a little quieter for the next little while.
Now, last week, in the insanity that was trying to care for my pregnant wife, we did release a new game: Music Trivia. With 250 questions on a variety of music trivia, you are guaranteed hours of fun. Go download it!
Now it's time to go play with the Little Pocket. See you folks in a bit.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Movies Trivia: What 1989 movie features the Nintendo Power Glove?
I grew up in the 80s, and as the name of my business would (Pocket Protector Games) would indicate, I am a nerd and proud of it. And, as an 80s nerd, I grew up on Nintendo...and desperately wanted a Power Glove when it first came out. It barely worked, but that's a totally different story. It was a great idea, one that helped to inspire the wildly popular Wii. Anyway, one classic 80s movie featured the Power Glove and gave it a prominent role during one scene. So, off of Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - What 1989 movie features the Nintendo Power Glove? Is it Weekend at Bernie's, Super Mario Brothers, Honey I Shrunk the Kids or The Wizard?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Movies Trivia: What film was Brandon Lee filming when he was accidentally killed by a prop gun?
Many have said, and not without reason, that the Lee family is cursed. Bruce Lee died of an acute cerebral adema in 1972, while his son, Brandon Lee, was killed while filming a movie in 1993. From Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia - What film was Brandon Lee filming when he was accidentally killed by a prop gun? Rapid Fire, Sex, Lies & Videotape, The Crow or Laser Mission?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Movies Trivia: Which of these movies started both John Travolta & Forest Whitaker?
New game, new chance for different trivia questions! Have we mentioned recently how excited we are about Movie Trivia? Cause we are! In celebration of our new game, we're going to spend some time reviewing the question from Movie Trivia. So, on that note, here is our first offering: Which of these movies started both John Travolta & Forest Whitaker? Is it Pulp Fiction, Battlefield Earth, Bird or Face/Off?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pocket Protector Games Presents: Movies Trivia!
Pocket Protector Games is very pleased to announce that we have launched our latest game - Pocket Trivia: Movies Trivia! This game features over 250 questions on a variety of movie-related questions, including movies names, plot, quotes, actors & actresses, awards, directors, heroes, villains & more!
We are really proud of this one - the graphics are phenomenal, and really, who can possibly resist Mr. Pocket with star glasses like that? Come on!
This is the first in a series of new games. We are expecting Music Trivia to be in available for download in the next couple of weeks, and that will be followed by 90s Trivia. So, keep an eye on us over the next few weeks for a whole slew of games to keep you having fun!
We are really proud of this one - the graphics are phenomenal, and really, who can possibly resist Mr. Pocket with star glasses like that? Come on!
This is the first in a series of new games. We are expecting Music Trivia to be in available for download in the next couple of weeks, and that will be followed by 90s Trivia. So, keep an eye on us over the next few weeks for a whole slew of games to keep you having fun!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
US History Trivia: What constitutional amendment deals with the quartering of troops in houses?
The U.S. Constitution is replete with amendments - 27 to be exact. Some deal with issues that remain prevalent and controversial today. Others, however, haven't been touched since they were first ratified. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - What constitutional amendment deals with the quartering of troops in houses? Is it the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 11th?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Which of these terrorist attacks did not occur during Bill Clinton's Presidency?
This will hopefully be a very big week for Pocket Protector Games, as we are hoping that our next trivia game, Movies Trivia, will be available by the end of the week - and Music Trivia shouldn't be far behind! As you can imagine, we are very excited about all of the new offerings we are hoping to bring to your shortly!
Anyway, as for today's question. Terrorism has seen a dramatic rise in the past twenty of so years, particularly terrorism aimed at the United States. Bill Clinton's Presidency saw some very significant terrorist attacks, both on American soil and abroad. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Which of these terrorist attacks did not occur during Bill Clinton's administration? Is it the Oklahoma City Bombing, the World Trade Center Bombing, the Embassy bombings in Tanzania & Kenya or the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombings?
Anyway, as for today's question. Terrorism has seen a dramatic rise in the past twenty of so years, particularly terrorism aimed at the United States. Bill Clinton's Presidency saw some very significant terrorist attacks, both on American soil and abroad. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Which of these terrorist attacks did not occur during Bill Clinton's administration? Is it the Oklahoma City Bombing, the World Trade Center Bombing, the Embassy bombings in Tanzania & Kenya or the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombings?
Friday, March 25, 2011
80s Trivia: What was 'Black Monday'?
Most of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia deals with Pop Culture questions - things like music, movies and TV. That being said, sometimes we do get into the hard news portion of this decade - and there was certainly no shortage of that. So, here is today's question: What was Black Monday? Was it a massive firing at the Security & Exchange Commission, a Supreme Court Ruling, FEC Regulation or a crash of the Stock Market?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
US History Trivia: Where was Martin Luther King assassinated?
It goes without saying that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, civil rights leader of all time. He truly spoke for an entire people that had been oppressed for centuries and helped make America a better place through his work. Like many of the leaders during the turbulent 60s, Dr. King was gunned down by an assassin before his life's work could approach completion. From Pocket Trivia: US History: Where was Martin Luther King Assassinated? Was it Montgomery, Selma, Memphis or Dallas?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: What President gave the longest inaugural address?
Presidents are notorious for being long-winded. It's likely an occupational hazard...but then again, who can really blame them? If you were the leader of the free world, wouldn't you have a hard-time shutting up, knowing that the entire world was hanging on your every word?
That being said, some President's really go on for far too long. And that's one heck of a way to make an impression on the public when you are first sworn into office! So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What President gave the longest inaugural address? Was it William Henry Harrison, Bill Clinton, James Garfield or Zachary Taylor?
That being said, some President's really go on for far too long. And that's one heck of a way to make an impression on the public when you are first sworn into office! So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What President gave the longest inaugural address? Was it William Henry Harrison, Bill Clinton, James Garfield or Zachary Taylor?
Monday, March 21, 2011
80s Trivia: Where did the ponies on 'My Little Pony' live?
I'm going to make a brave, if not slightly painful admission here: As a young lad (say 5 or 6), I loved My Little Ponies. There, I said it. I loved that cartoon and begged my parents to let me get one of the figures, which they eventually did...for the life of me, I can't remember its name! Anyway, My Little Ponies was a staple of the 80s - between the cartoons, movies and toys, they were quite ubiquitous for some time, even making a comeback in the 00s. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Where did the ponies on My Little Pony live? Candy Valley, Sweet Valley, Dream Valley or Hope Valley?
Friday, March 18, 2011
US History Trivia: What is the name of the famed "Son of Sam" killer?
United States history, particularly in the past forty years, is rife with serial killers. For those of you who lived in New York during the late 1970s, this name likely sounds familiar: the Son of Sam. The Son of Sam killed six and wounded many others over the course of a roughly one year period in New York city. Those he killed tended to be young and dark-haired. The Son of Sam had the entire city of edge until his eventual capture in August 1977. On the day he was arrested, the entire city only had one question in mind - who was the Son of Sam? That is today's question, off of Pocket Games: US History. Is the correct answer David Berkowitz, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Which of these Presidents was not assassinated - McKinley, Kennedy, Garfield or Harding?
One of the questions we deal with the most at Pocket Protector Games is assassinations, and this topic is no exception. Four Presidents in American history have been assassinated, and another four have died in office of natural causes. All four of the men in this next question did die in office - but only three were assassinated. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Which of these Presidents was not assassinated? McKinley, Kennedy, Garfield or Harding?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these characters was not on Fraggle Rock?
Fraggle Rock was, bar none, my favorite all time 80s TV show. It was hysterical, adorable and provided grown-up lessons in a language that kids could understand and adults could appreciate. To those of us who loved the show, its cast of characters is legendary. So, here is today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these characters is not from Fraggle Rock? Is it The Trash Heap, Boober, Gonzo or Sprocket?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Which President once got stuck in a White House bathtub?
Presidents, like the rest of us, are human. They trip (Ford), have affairs (Clinton and another half of the Presidents), and are very, very overweight. One President's weight, however, reached legendary proportions - he was so fat that he actually once got stuck in a bathtub. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What President once got stuck in a White House bathtub? Was it Truman, Hayes, Taft or Franklin Roosevelt?


Friday, March 11, 2011
80s Trivia: What movie had this famous line - "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here?"
I cannot think of a preamble to this quote, one of the best of any 80s movie, so let's just go for it today. From Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia, what movie features this gem: "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here?" Is it Cocoon, Back to The Future, The Goonies or Spies Like Us?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
US History Trivia: Who was Attorney General when the partially nude "Spirit of Justice" statue was covered with curtains?
The "Spirit of Justice" statue is a magnificent sculpture that stands in the Department of Justice Building in Washington, D.C. It is the female counterpart to the male "Majesty of Law" statue that sits in the same location. Though beautiful, the statue probably would be unknown to 99.9% of the American public if not for its clothing (or lack thereof) - the statue is partially nude.
During one of these Attorney General's tenure, the statue was covered so that its partially nude form was not revealed to visitors or during press conferences. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Who was Attorney General when the partially nude "Spirit of Justice" statue was covered with curtains? Was it Alberto Gonzales, John Ashcroft, Edwin Meese or Robert Bork?
During one of these Attorney General's tenure, the statue was covered so that its partially nude form was not revealed to visitors or during press conferences. Off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Who was Attorney General when the partially nude "Spirit of Justice" statue was covered with curtains? Was it Alberto Gonzales, John Ashcroft, Edwin Meese or Robert Bork?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who was Gerald Ford's Vice President?
Gerald Ford was the first and only President to ever become President after the resignation of the previous Chief Executive. He is also the first President to never actually be elected President or Vice President (he was appointed Vice President by the Senate after the previous VP's resignation under scandal, then ascended to the Presidency after Nixon resigned). As such, a Vice President was never elected in Ford's term - however, one was appointed by the Senate. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who was Gerald Ford's Vice President? Was it Walter Mondale, Spiro Agnew, Donald Rumsfeld or Nelson Rockefeller?
Friday, March 4, 2011
80s Trivia: Who killed John Lennon?
We frequently deal with questions related to Presidential assassination attempts, or actual assassinations. However, tragically, every now and then we venture into the same area, but for music. As most of you are probably aware, John Lennon was killed by a crazed fan on December 8, 1980, one of the worst days in music history. Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What was the name of the man that killed John Lennon? Was it John Hinckley, Mark David Chapman, David Berkowitz or Phil Rudd?
Monday, February 28, 2011
80s Trivia: What band's drummer has only one arm?
80s music contains a variety of fascinating facts, different sounds and one-hit wonders. Like recent decades, musicians of the 80s were no less prone to tragedy then their counterparts in other decades. One drummer in particular seemed to epitomize those tragedies - and, really, the ability that all of us have to overcome obstructions in our path. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - What band's drummer has only one arm? Is the answer Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Guns 'N Roses or Metallica?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: What President assumed responsibility for an illegitimate child?
Presidents and infidelity go together like peanut butter and jelly. Thankfully, our past two President's have been relatively removed from affair allegations, but the Clinton years were certain full of them! That being said, most President's are smart enough - or careful enough - to avoid the Maury-like allegations of YOU ARE MY BABY'S DADDY!
You'll note I said most - but not all. From Pocket Trivia: US Presidents: What President assumed responsibility for an illegitimate child? Is the answer Bill Clinton, Grover Cleveland, Franklin Roosevelt or Zachary Taylor?
You'll note I said most - but not all. From Pocket Trivia: US Presidents: What President assumed responsibility for an illegitimate child? Is the answer Bill Clinton, Grover Cleveland, Franklin Roosevelt or Zachary Taylor?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
US History Trivia: Who had the 3rd most amount of electoral votes in the elections of 1824?
Yeah, how's THAT question or randomness. I can totally see people who look at this question and aren't US History pro's going, "Huh? WTF???" Anyway, yes, that is the question today, fresh off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Who had the 3rd highest amount of electoral votes in the Election of 1824? Is the answer James Crawford, Henry Clay, John Andrews or Andrew Jackson? I'll even give you a hint: this was the election that featured the Corrupt Bargain.
Monday, February 21, 2011
80s Trivia: Tracy Ullman briefly had a Top 10 hit with what song?
Tracy Ullman is a British actress & comedian, best known for her comedy work. She had her own show on HBO from 1987 - 1990 - that show was, among other things, the platform by which The Simpsons was first launched in America.
However, Ullman is also a musician, and actually had a Top 10 hit in 1983. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - what was the name of the Tracy Ullman song that reached the Top 10 in America and the UK? Was it I'm So Excited, They Don't Know, You Broke My Heart or Three of a Kind?
However, Ullman is also a musician, and actually had a Top 10 hit in 1983. So, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - what was the name of the Tracy Ullman song that reached the Top 10 in America and the UK? Was it I'm So Excited, They Don't Know, You Broke My Heart or Three of a Kind?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
US History Trivia: What Presidential candidate supposedly cried while defending his wife from press attacks?
days, it's considered an asset, not a weakness, if a politician cries. However, decades ago, a politician couldn't cry - it was considered a sign of weakness and of not being ready for prime time. However, one candidate for President once cried in public, and it help to derail his ambitions. So, from Pocket Trivia: US History: What Presidential candidate supposedly cried while defending his wife from press attacks? John Lindsay, George McGovern, Edmund Muskie or Henry Jackson?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Who assassinated James Garfield?
Four US Presidents have been assassinated in history: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy. Another four actually died in office, albiet of natural causes: William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, James Garfield & Warren Harding.
It is the assassinations that are the featured of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who assassinated James Garfield? Is the answer Giueseppe Zangara, Leon Czolgosz, Charles Guiteau or Anton Cermak?
It is the assassinations that are the featured of today's question. Off of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who assassinated James Garfield? Is the answer Giueseppe Zangara, Leon Czolgosz, Charles Guiteau or Anton Cermak?
Monday, February 14, 2011
80s Trivia: What Wang Chung song appeared on the soundtrack of 'The Breakfast Club'?
We spent the week doing US History & US Presidential Trivia, so now we'll head back to the 1980s. For some reason, I'e been listening to "St. Elmo's Fire" OVER AND OVER again - my wife is probably going to kill me soon. Regardless, this got me thinking about 80s soundtracks - and specifically the breakfast club. So, I took one of my favorite 80s bands, Wang Chung, for this question off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia: What Wang Chung song appeared on the soundtrack of 'The Breakfast Club'? Is the answer Fire in the Twilight, Everybody Have Fun Tonight, Wait or Hypnotize Me?
Friday, February 11, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Who is the only U.S. President to have a doctorate?
U.S. Presidents, as you can likely imagine, have a history of being very well educated. You'd hope that this would be the case - it is, after all, the smartest office in the land. However, of the 43 men that have been President, only one has held a Doctorate. So, from Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - Who is the only American President to hold a Doctorate? Is it John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon or Woodrow Wilson?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Which state has the 2nd most electoral votes?
The United States Presidential Elections are run by a unique set of rules known as the Electoral Collage. Instead of being directly elected via the popular vote, President's campaign in individual states - for most states, if they win a state, they receive all of that state's electoral votes. Electoral votes are based indirectly on the states population - specifically, the number is determined by the amount of a state's entire Congressional delegation (Senators + Congressmen). That number changes every 10 years with a new US census.
So, off of our update of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What state has the 2nd most electoral votes? Is it Texas, Florida, California or Ohio?
So, off of our update of Pocket Trivia: US Presidents - What state has the 2nd most electoral votes? Is it Texas, Florida, California or Ohio?
Monday, February 7, 2011
US History Trivia: What was the name of the US Navy ship that was attacked by Al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen?
Update week! As you may have noticed, Pocket Trivia: US History and Pocket Trivia: US Presidents launched an update a few weeks ago, putting 50 new questions into each of these games. So, for the rest of this week, when we feature these two games, we will discuss questions off of the update.
Today's question features a topic not far from the minds of any U.S. resident: terrorism. On October 12, 2000, a US Navy destroyer was attacked in Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39. The suicide-bombing was perpetrated by Al-Qaeda. So, in today's question off of US History: What was the name of the ship? Was it the USS Brenna, USS Blue Marlin, USS The Sullivans or USS Cole?
Today's question features a topic not far from the minds of any U.S. resident: terrorism. On October 12, 2000, a US Navy destroyer was attacked in Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39. The suicide-bombing was perpetrated by Al-Qaeda. So, in today's question off of US History: What was the name of the ship? Was it the USS Brenna, USS Blue Marlin, USS The Sullivans or USS Cole?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these boxers does Rocky never defeat in a sanctioned match?
You can't think 80s movies without thinking of Rocky. Spanning six movies in four decades, the Rocky series is widely regarded as one of the best ever, featuring a story that likely all of us can relate to in some way. Rocky was known for his boxing prowess and his incredible fighting record, eventually beating almost all fighters that stood with him in the ring. Not all of them, however.
Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia: Which of these fighters did Rocky never beat in a sanctioned match? Clubber Lang, Tommy Gunn, Ivan Drago or Apollo Creed?
Off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia: Which of these fighters did Rocky never beat in a sanctioned match? Clubber Lang, Tommy Gunn, Ivan Drago or Apollo Creed?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Who was the first President to add "so help me God" to the end of the Presidential Oath?
God and American politics have always been closely entwined. American politicians have constantly invoked His name as a means of rallying support, garnering attention or playing to their political base. God is also deeply entrenched in our history - His name, after all, is featured in a variety of US official documents, including the Deceleration of Independence, on our money and our Pledge of Allegiance, among various other items. So, here is today's question, straight off of our Pocket Trivia: US Presidents game - Who was the first President to add "so help me God" to the end of the Presidential Oath? Was it Dwight Eisenhower, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington or Harry Truman?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
80s Trivia: Nitro, Laser and Gemini could be found on which 80s show?
The 80s were all about flash - everything from TV, movies, music, clothing, you name it, it was flashy and big. Adjectives ruled the 80s, and aside from professional wrestling and other forms of flashy fiction, I like to think that you would be hard-pressed to find names like Nitro, Laser & Gemini anywhere else. So, that leads to today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Nitro, Laser and Gemini could be found on which 80s show? Is it Thundercats, Guts, Fun House or American Gladiators?
Monday, January 31, 2011
US History Trivia: How did the Supreme Court once famously describe obscenity?
Ahh, porn.
Well, now that that's out of the way - pornography is an issue which, in some form or fashion, has continuously vexed the United States, particularly its moral and legal implications. More than one case involving pornography have wound up in the Supreme Court, which, over the past few decades, has handed down a variety of rulings on the subject.
But, here is today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Which of the following was once used by the Supreme Court as a description for obscenity? Was it:
Well, now that that's out of the way - pornography is an issue which, in some form or fashion, has continuously vexed the United States, particularly its moral and legal implications. More than one case involving pornography have wound up in the Supreme Court, which, over the past few decades, has handed down a variety of rulings on the subject.
But, here is today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Which of the following was once used by the Supreme Court as a description for obscenity? Was it:
- "Despicable, deplorable and to be tolerated at all costs."
- "I know it when I see it."
- "A threat to the fabric of our American society."
- "Woohoo!"
Thursday, January 27, 2011
New questions on US History & Presidential History!
Usually, I make it a point to not be too self-promotional on this blog. However, I do have some exciting news that I wanted to share. Pocket Trivia: US History & Pocket Trivia: Presidential Trivia were both updated yesterday. The updates include 50 new questions on each game, bringing both to 300 questions. Both games were updated through the 2010 political season. Of course, both updates are available at absolutely no charge.
Our plan is to keep giving you fresh content and new games, so stay tuned!!
Our plan is to keep giving you fresh content and new games, so stay tuned!!
US History Trivia: Which of these men never ran for President?
Countless elected officials in American history have, at some point or another, taken a stab at running for President of the United States. The highest office in the land is also the most difficult to achieve, and at point it does seem like most every prominent American elected official publicly thinks about running at some point or another. But, of these four prominent American politicians, one of them never actually ran for President. So, off of Pocket Trivia: US History - Which of these four men never ran for President? Dick Cheney, Strom Thurmond, Bill Bradley or George Wallace?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
80s Trivia: What was the name of the Tanner's dog on Full House?
Odds are pretty good that if you grew up in the 80s, you watched Full House at some point. If you were a male, grew up in the 80s and watched Full House, odds are pretty good that, depending on your age, you had a crush on Michelle, Stephanie, or DJ (for me it was Stephanie). The show was a classic and many of our 80s memories are littered with that show - and, come on, who didn't think that Urkel and Gibbler should have gotten together at some point?
Anyway, I digress. Here is today's trivia question, off of our Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia game - What was the name of the Tanner's dog on Full House? Was it Vincent, Tiger, Comet or Fido?
Anyway, I digress. Here is today's trivia question, off of our Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia game - What was the name of the Tanner's dog on Full House? Was it Vincent, Tiger, Comet or Fido?
Friday, January 21, 2011
US History Trivia: Which of these cities never saw a Presidential assassination attempt?
Four Presidents have been assassinated in US History and there have been more attempted assassinations. These assassination attempts have happened in every part of the country - and in the case of George W. Bush, outside of the US as well. So, here is today's question, off of Pocket Trivia: US History: Which of these cities never saw a Presidential assassination attempt? Was it Boston, San Fransisco, Sacramento or Buffalo?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
US Presidential Trivia: Prior to Barack Obama, who was the last Democratic President that did not hail from the South?
Democratic Presidents, particularly those elected in the modern era, have a history of being Southern. I can't say much more than that without giving away the answer to the question, so let's get right into it. From our U.S. Presidential Trivia game: Prior to Barack Obama, who was the last Democratic President that did not hail from the South? Was it John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
80s Trivia: Tracey Ullman briefly had a Top 10 hit with what song?
Tracey Ullman is freakin funny. That's really the only way that I can describe it. The comedian has achieved quite a great deal over her multi-decade career - including serving as the television show by which The Simpsons were seen for the first time by the public at large. Now, in addition to everything else, Ullman also had a serious musical career, including a top ten hit in 1983. So, here's the question: what was the name of the song that broke into the U.S. top ten? Was it I'm So Excited, They Don't Know, You Broke My Heart or Three of a Kind?
Friday, January 14, 2011
US Presidents Trivia: Who is the last Democrat to win a majority of the popular vote?
Let's head back to Pocket Trivia: US Presidents today - haven't been there in a while!
The political pendulum in the country has swung madly during the 2000 decade, vacillating between Democratic and Republican quite a few times. The most obvious manifestation of this is in the popular vote, which has certainly changed its share of times. We have, in general, had more Republican Presidents than Democratic ones, which leads me to today's question: Who is the last Democrat to win a majority of the popular vote? Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter or John Kennedy?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
80s Trivia: Which of these colors was not on the original Rubik's Cube?
Who doesn't remember the Rubik's Cube? The addictive toy first came out in 1974 but exploded onto the scene in 1980 and became an instant smash. The original cube, of course, consisted of six colors. The goal was to have all of the colors on the same side.
So, here is today's trivia question off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these colors was not on the original Rubik's cube? Red, White, Purple or Orange?
So, here is today's trivia question off of Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia - Which of these colors was not on the original Rubik's cube? Red, White, Purple or Orange?
Monday, January 10, 2011
80s Trivia: When it was first being developed, Super Mario Brothers 2 was known as what game?
TI'm in an 80s sort of mood today, so let's keep up that trend by reviewing another question from Pocket Games: 80s Trivia.
As a kid in the 80s, I grew up obsessed with Nintendo. The Super Mario Brothers were always one of my favorites - particularly Super Mario 3. But, that being said, its Super Mario Brothers 2 that is the subject of today's question - particularly given its weird nature. After all, Super Mario Brothers 2 is totally different than any other Super Mario game, featuring worlds and villains never before seen (and never seen again). Why? Because it was originally a totally different game. The real Super Mario Brothers 2 was released in Japan - but it was deemed as "too hard" for an American audience. So, what happened?
The answer: another game was actually hijacked and turned into Super Mario Brothers 2. What was that game? Was it East Your Veggies, The Adventures of Luigi, Princess' Hour of Need or Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic?
As a kid in the 80s, I grew up obsessed with Nintendo. The Super Mario Brothers were always one of my favorites - particularly Super Mario 3. But, that being said, its Super Mario Brothers 2 that is the subject of today's question - particularly given its weird nature. After all, Super Mario Brothers 2 is totally different than any other Super Mario game, featuring worlds and villains never before seen (and never seen again). Why? Because it was originally a totally different game. The real Super Mario Brothers 2 was released in Japan - but it was deemed as "too hard" for an American audience. So, what happened?
The answer: another game was actually hijacked and turned into Super Mario Brothers 2. What was that game? Was it East Your Veggies, The Adventures of Luigi, Princess' Hour of Need or Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic?
Friday, January 7, 2011
80s Trivia: Who hosted Double Dare?
Let's head back to everyone's favorite decade, the 80s, for the Friday question. I loved Nickelodeon as a kid. I mean, what kid that grew up in the 80s and had a TV didn't? Finders Keepers was always my favorite - anyone? Anyone? Buehler?
Alright, well, moving right along. One of the more popular shows on Nick during the 80s was Double Dare - so popular, in fact, that they brought it back over a decade after they originally took it off the air. So, from our Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia game: Who hosted Double Dare? Was it Summer Sanders, Moira Quirk, Kirk Fogg or Mark Summers?
Alright, well, moving right along. One of the more popular shows on Nick during the 80s was Double Dare - so popular, in fact, that they brought it back over a decade after they originally took it off the air. So, from our Pocket Trivia: 80s Trivia game: Who hosted Double Dare? Was it Summer Sanders, Moira Quirk, Kirk Fogg or Mark Summers?
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